

I help clients experiencing a variety of transitions to move with intention and grace into the next chapter of life.

Transitions happen throughout our lives in big and small ways. As a coach, I work with clients to identify their values and strengths, building a vision for what can be next. With that clear vision, we create thoughtful goals to move forward. It may be developing inspiring new work or moving from work to meaningful retirement; the transition from parenting to the empty nest, or the transition from being part of a couple to a fulfilling single life.

She knows how it feels
to navigate her own Next

“Wendy combines her rich life experience with her bright, insightful empathy and guides me into self-discovery and direction. She has helped me organize and prioritize my thoughts and vision and spurred me to dig in when I feel daunted. I couldn’t be luckier than to have her in my corner as I navigate my Next. She knows how it feels to leave her previous career and expertise, she knows how it feels to be a caregiver, she knows how it feels to navigate her own Next. She’s an inspiration and an example.”

— M.B.

Grounding during a time of
transition and stress

“I have tremendously benefited from my coaching sessions with Wendy. I was feeling stuck figuring out my purpose and my career goals and with Wendy's guidance was able to get unstuck as we walked through our process. She asked probing questions that helped me unpack my thoughts and ideas. With her coaching and support I was able to craft and design a roadmap that supports both my professional and personal goals. I found this to be very grounding during a time of transition and stress.”

— K.A.

“Light precedes every transition. Whether at the end of a tunnel, through a crack in the door or the flash of an idea, it is always there, heralding a new beginning.”

— Theresa Tsalaky