

I care for caregivers, supporting them in their feelings of loss and in seeking balance.

Caregiving is a role many of us will take on at some time in our lives. While providing care for aging or ill family members, some caregivers are working full-time and caring for their own children. Others are caring for a life partner diminished by dementia.

Are you exhausted, overwhelmed, or seeking support as you manage this loving and vital role? Even in the most challenging situations, progress can be made toward creating wellbeing in your own, important life.

Wendy has helped me to survive with grace

“I have been a caregiver both for my mom dying of cancer and my mother-in-law in the final stages of dementia, but being a caregiver for my husband as a stroke survivor has been very different. Wendy has helped me to survive with grace after finding myself without my working partner, friend, helper, and soul mate.

She has been gentle yet strong and never wavered in helping me find ways for me to survive each week with new challenges. Wendy helped me see what I need to do to survive and has helped me with each step of the process. I could not have done it without her.

— C.R.

"There are only four kinds of people in this world: those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers and those who will need caregivers.”

— Rosalyn Carter