Upcoming Offerings

What Now? Circle

Navigating Holidays with Care, A Circle of Support for Loss and Grief

(Scroll down to learn more and register)

What Now? Circle

A Transformative Six-Week Journey

Please join me and my colleague, Jennifer Reece, MA, NBC-HWC, in a What Now? Circle - a transformative six-week journey.

Life stage transitions can feel uncomfortable, itchy, at times utterly chaotic. We can feel confused, inspired, and everything in between.

Are you at a juncture of now what?

Are you at a juncture of what now? Whether moving from a diagnosis and treatment to a new chapter, transitioning to an empty nest, moving from being part of a couple to life on your own, or preparing to move from work to retirement, we welcome you to join us.

Our What Now? Circle is a small-group relational experience based on ancestral and indigenous practices. Focused on building connection and community, the Circle experience offers a brave, supportive, empowering space to learn, explore and evolve.

Together, we will...

  • Identify and build on our values, strengths, and desires.

  • Affirm who we are, who we want to be, and how we want to move forward.

  • Honor what is being left behind and envision what is next.

Let’s walk this path together with intention and grace. We can’t wait to see you!

What Now? Circle Details

Duration: 6 Sessions


  • Days: Tuesdays
    Dates: October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, November 12

  • Time: 5 - 6:30 pm CT

Where: Virtually via Zoom

Cost: $425

Limited partial scholarships are available. We believe that community is the way of healing and recognize that barriers are real. If a different price point is needed, please reach out to us.

Register for What Now? Circle

To register or for more information, submit the form below or email wendy@weavewellbeing.com

“As you get older, you become
the person you were always
meant to be.”

— David Bowie

Navigating Holidays with Care, A Circle of Support for Loss and Grief

Please join me and my colleague, Larey Swanson, MD, NBC-HWC, in a Loss and Grief Circle - a caring and supportive six-week journey.

Are you experiencing a loss in your life?

You don’t have to walk this path alone. Come and find comfort and connection in our supportive community on your journey.

As we enter the winter holiday season, we acknowledge that this time of year can be especially challenging for those facing loss or grief. We warmly invite you to join us in a space of support and reflection, open to all, as we come together in community to share this journey with compassion.

Join our Moving Through the Holidays with Loss Circle to find solace and meaning. Whether it's a loss of work, health, identity, or of a pet, friend, or loved one, connecting with others who understand can be profoundly healing.

Our Holiday Loss and Grief Circle is a small-group relational experience based on ancestral and Indigenous practices. Focused on building connection and community, the Circle experience offers a compassionate, open-hearted gathering where you can express your feelings, find solace, and receive support from those who truly empathize. You will be met with kindness and respect, as we create a safe space for healing.

Together, we will...

  • Honor and acknowledge our losses

  • Navigate the complexities of grief

  • Sit with loss and grief amid expectations and traditions

  • Build new possibilities for ritual and comfort

  • Build strength to set boundaries for self-care

  • Offer one another strength

We look forward to] welcoming you to our compassionate, open-hearted gathering, a space to express your feelings, connect with others, and receive support.

Navigating Holidays with Care, A Circle of Support for Loss & Grief


Duration: 6 Sessions


  • Days: Mondays
    Dates: November 4, 11, 18, December 2, 9, 16

  • Time: 4:00 - 5:30 pm CT

Where: Virtually via Zoom

Cost: $425

Limited partial scholarships are available. We believe that community is the way of healing and recognize that barriers are real. If a different price point is needed, please reach out to us.

Register for Navigating Holidays with Care, A Circle of Support for Loss & Grief

To register or for more information, submit the form below or email wendy@weavewellbeing.com

“What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes part of us.”

— Helen Keller