

Absorbing the pain of loss and integrating it into our life allows us to adjust to a new environment and begin to reinvest in a new life.

Loss comes to all of us in different ways throughout our lives. I work with clients with a range of challenges, many of them with underlying loss. Do you have an ambiguous loss from estrangement or addiction in your family? Have you lost work, a relationship, or a sense of health or normalcy in your life? Are you grieving a loved one?

I support clients with an individualized approach to name and acknowledge the losses they are facing. We process loss and navigate the complexities of grief, and in time, we can move forward with a new, hopeful vision. Courage, resilience, and peace are possible once again.

Helping me keep my faith

“Since I became the caregiver of my husband who suffered a stroke two years ago, Wendy has helped me find ways to cope when family members are too exhausted to help. It is very different from an end of life situation, but it has been the end of my life as I knew it. Thank you so much Wendy for helping me keep my faith and move one step forward each day.

— C.C.

“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.”

— Anatole France