Art Workshops

I offer two-hour group Art Workshops to provide a nurturing environment where you connect with your inner child and rediscover the joy of play.

Weave Wellbeing offers in-person or Zoom collage art workshops for groups of six to sixteen,  Two hours in length, we meet in a circle of understanding and support to open and close our sessions. Participants have the opportunity to work with a variety of papers, scissors, and glue to create a unique collage artwork or vision board to take home. Letting go of perfection, we embrace a sense of play, creativity, and community.

Scientific evidence tells us of the positive effects of art on our health & wellbeing, Engaging with art can be transformational, unlocking insights, enhancing well-being, and connecting us deeply.

My workshops are ideal for support groups of all kinds, for team building, and for groups of friends and family.

To schedule a free consultation, please contact

*Pricing varies depending on group size and location.

“It was relaxing and soothing to work with the images; I was surprised at what emerged on the paper!”

— Participant

“I had forgotten that I could still play and have fun, even when I’m in pain.”

— Participant

“Art can permeate the very deepest part of us where no words exist.”

— Eileen Miller